AirInv Logo  1.00.0
C++ Simulated Airline Inventory Management System library
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Command-Line Test to Demonstrate How To Test the AirInv Project
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Import section
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// STL
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
// Boost Unit Test Framework (UTF)
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE InventoryTestSuite
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
// StdAir
#include <stdair/basic/BasLogParams.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/BasDBParams.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/BasFileMgr.hpp>
#include <stdair/bom/TravelSolutionStruct.hpp>
#include <stdair/bom/BookingRequestStruct.hpp>
#include <stdair/service/Logger.hpp>
#include <stdair/stdair_exceptions.hpp>
// Airinv
#include <airinv/config/airinv-paths.hpp>
namespace boost_utf = boost::unit_test;
// (Boost) Unit Test XML Report
std::ofstream utfReportStream ("InventoryTestSuite_utfresults.xml");
struct UnitTestConfig {
UnitTestConfig() {
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_stream (utfReportStream);
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_format (boost_utf::XML);
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_threshold_level (boost_utf::log_test_units);
//boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_threshold_level (boost_utf::log_successful_tests);
~UnitTestConfig() {
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool testInventoryHelper (const unsigned short iTestFlag,
const stdair::Filename_T& iInventoryInputFilename,
const stdair::Filename_T& iScheduleInputFilename,
const stdair::Filename_T& iODInputFilename,
const stdair::Filename_T& iFRAT5InputFilename,
const stdair::Filename_T& iFFDisutilityInputFilename,
const stdair::Filename_T& iYieldInputFilename,
const bool isBuiltin,
const bool isForSchedule) {
// Output log File
std::ostringstream oStr;
oStr << "InventoryTestSuite_" << iTestFlag << ".log";
const stdair::Filename_T lLogFilename (oStr.str());
// Set the log parameters
std::ofstream logOutputFile;
// Open and clean the log outputfile (lLogFilename.c_str());
// Initialise the AirInv service object
stdair::BasLogParams lLogParams (stdair::LOG::DEBUG,
// Initialise the inventory service
AIRINV::AIRINV_Master_Service airinvService (lLogParams);
// Parameters for the sale
std::string lSegmentDateKey;
stdair::ClassCode_T lClassCode;
const stdair::PartySize_T lPartySize (2);
// Check wether or not a (CSV) input file should be read
if (isBuiltin == true) {
// Build the default sample BOM tree (filled with inventories) for AirInv
// Define a specific segment-date key for the sample BOM tree
lSegmentDateKey = "BA,9,2011-06-10,LHR,SYD";
lClassCode = "Q";
} else {
if (isForSchedule == true) {
// Build the BOM tree from parsing a schedule file (and O&D list)
stdair::ScheduleFilePath lScheduleFilePath (iScheduleInputFilename);
stdair::ODFilePath lODFilePath (iODInputFilename);
stdair::FRAT5FilePath lFRAT5FilePath (iFRAT5InputFilename);
stdair::FFDisutilityFilePath lFFDisutilityFilePath (iFFDisutilityInputFilename);
AIRRAC::YieldFilePath lYieldFilePath (iYieldInputFilename);
airinvService.parseAndLoad (lScheduleFilePath, lODFilePath,
lFRAT5FilePath, lFFDisutilityFilePath,
// Define a specific segment-date key for the schedule-based inventory
lSegmentDateKey = "SQ,11,2010-01-15,SIN,BKK";
lClassCode = "Y";
} else {
// Build the BOM tree from parsing an inventory dump file
AIRINV::InventoryFilePath lInventoryFilePath (iInventoryInputFilename);
airinvService.parseAndLoad (lInventoryFilePath);
// Define a specific segment-date key for the inventory parsed file
//const std::string lSegmentDateKey ("SV, 5, 2010-03-11, KBP, JFK, 08:00:00");
lSegmentDateKey = "SV, 5, 2010-03-11, KBP, JFK, 08:00:00";
lClassCode = "J";
// Make a booking
const bool hasSaleBeenSuccessful =
airinvService.sell (lSegmentDateKey, lClassCode, lPartySize);
// DEBUG: Display the list of travel solutions
const std::string& lCSVDump = airinvService.csvDisplay();
// Close the log file
if (hasSaleBeenSuccessful == false) {
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("No sale can be made for '" << lSegmentDateKey
<< "'");
return hasSaleBeenSuccessful;
// /////////////// Main: Unit Test Suite //////////////
// Set the UTF configuration (re-direct the output to a specific file)
// Start the test suite
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE (master_test_suite)
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (airinv_simple_inventory_sell) {
// Input file name
const stdair::Filename_T lInventoryInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
// State whether the BOM tree should be built from a schedule file (instead of from an inventory dump)
const bool isForSchedule = false;
// Try sell a default segment.
bool hasTestBeenSuccessful = false;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (hasTestBeenSuccessful =
testInventoryHelper (0, lInventoryInputFilename,
" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", isBuiltin, isForSchedule));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (hasTestBeenSuccessful, true);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (airinv_simple_inventory_sell_built_in) {
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = true;
// State whether the BOM tree should be built from a schedule file (instead of from an inventory dump)
const bool isForSchedule = false;
// Try sell a default segment.
bool hasTestBeenSuccessful = false;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (hasTestBeenSuccessful =
testInventoryHelper (1, " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ",
isBuiltin, isForSchedule));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (hasTestBeenSuccessful, true);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (airinv_simple_inventory_sell_schedule) {
// Input file names
const stdair::Filename_T lScheduleInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lODInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lFRAT5InputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lFFDisutilityInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lYieldInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
// State whether the BOM tree should be built from a schedule file (instead of from an inventory dump)
const bool isForSchedule = true;
// Try sell a default segment.
bool hasTestBeenSuccessful = false;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (hasTestBeenSuccessful =
testInventoryHelper (2, " ",
isBuiltin, isForSchedule));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (hasTestBeenSuccessful, true);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (airinv_error_inventory_input_file) {
// Inventory input file name
const stdair::Filename_T lMissingInventoryFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
// State whether the BOM tree should be built from a schedule file (instead of from an inventory dump)
const bool isForSchedule = false;
// Try sell a default segment.
BOOST_CHECK_THROW (testInventoryHelper (3, lMissingInventoryFilename,
" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", isBuiltin, isForSchedule),
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (airinv_error_schedule_input_file) {
// Schedule input file name
const stdair::Filename_T lMissingScheduleFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lFRAT5InputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lFFDisutilityInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
// State whether the BOM tree should be built from a schedule file (instead of from an inventory dump)
const bool isForSchedule = true;
// Try sell a default segment.
BOOST_CHECK_THROW (testInventoryHelper (4, " ", lMissingScheduleFilename,
" ", lFRAT5InputFilename,
lFFDisutilityInputFilename, " ",
isBuiltin, isForSchedule),
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (airinv_error_yield_input_file) {
// Input file names
const stdair::Filename_T lScheduleInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lODInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lFRAT5InputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lFFDisutilityInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lYieldInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
// State whether the BOM tree should be built from a schedule file (instead of from an inventory dump)
const bool isForSchedule = true;
// Try sell a default segment.
BOOST_CHECK_THROW (testInventoryHelper (5, " ",
isBuiltin, isForSchedule),
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (airinv_error_flight_date_duplication) {
// Input file names
const stdair::Filename_T lScheduleInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lODInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lFRAT5InputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lFFDisutilityInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lYieldInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
// State whether the BOM tree should be built from a schedule file (instead of from an inventory dump)
const bool isForSchedule = true;
// Try sell a default segment.
BOOST_CHECK_THROW (testInventoryHelper (6, " ",
isBuiltin, isForSchedule),
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (airinv_error_schedule_parsing_failed) {
// Input file names
const stdair::Filename_T lScheduleInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lODInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lFRAT5InputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lFFDisutilityInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
const stdair::Filename_T lYieldInputFilename (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
// State whether the BOM tree should be built from a schedule file (instead of from an inventory dump)
const bool isForSchedule = true;
// Try sell a default segment.
BOOST_CHECK_THROW (testInventoryHelper (7, " ",
isBuiltin, isForSchedule),
// End the test suite