AirInv Logo  1.00.0
C++ Simulated Airline Inventory Management System library
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1 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Import section
3 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 // STL
5 #include <cassert>
6 // Boost
7 #include <boost/date_time/date_iterator.hpp>
8 // StdAir
9 #include <stdair/basic/BasConst_BookingClass.hpp>
10 #include <stdair/basic/BasConst_Yield.hpp>
11 #include <stdair/basic/BasConst_Inventory.hpp>
12 #include <stdair/bom/BomManager.hpp>
13 #include <stdair/bom/BomRoot.hpp>
14 #include <stdair/bom/Inventory.hpp>
15 #include <stdair/bom/AirlineFeature.hpp>
16 #include <stdair/bom/FlightDate.hpp>
17 #include <stdair/bom/SegmentDate.hpp>
18 #include <stdair/bom/SegmentCabin.hpp>
19 #include <stdair/bom/FareFamily.hpp>
20 #include <stdair/bom/BookingClass.hpp>
21 #include <stdair/bom/LegDate.hpp>
22 #include <stdair/bom/LegCabin.hpp>
23 #include <stdair/bom/Bucket.hpp>
24 #include <stdair/bom/BomKeyManager.hpp>
25 #include <stdair/bom/ParsedKey.hpp>
26 #include <stdair/bom/BomRetriever.hpp>
27 #include <stdair/command/CmdCloneBomManager.hpp>
28 #include <stdair/factory/FacBom.hpp>
29 #include <stdair/factory/FacBomManager.hpp>
30 #include <stdair/service/Logger.hpp>
31 // AirInv
32 #include <airinv/AIRINV_Types.hpp>
36 namespace AIRINV {
38  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
39  void InventoryBuilder::
40  buildInventory (stdair::BomRoot& ioBomRoot,
41  const FlightDateStruct& iFlightDateStruct) {
42  const stdair::AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = iFlightDateStruct._airlineCode;
44  // Instantiate an inventory object (if not exist)
45  // for the given key (airline code)
46  stdair::Inventory* lInventory_ptr = stdair::BomManager::
47  getObjectPtr<stdair::Inventory> (ioBomRoot, lAirlineCode);
48  if (lInventory_ptr == NULL) {
49  stdair::InventoryKey lKey (lAirlineCode);
50  lInventory_ptr =
51  &stdair::FacBom<stdair::Inventory>::instance().create (lKey);
52  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioBomRoot, *lInventory_ptr);
53  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (ioBomRoot, *lInventory_ptr);
55  // Add the airline feature object to the inventory
56  const stdair::AirlineFeatureKey lAirlineFeatureKey (lAirlineCode);
57  stdair::AirlineFeature& lAirlineFeature =
58  stdair::FacBom<stdair::AirlineFeature>::instance().create (lAirlineFeatureKey);
59  stdair::FacBomManager::setAirlineFeature (*lInventory_ptr,
60  lAirlineFeature);
61  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (*lInventory_ptr, lAirlineFeature);
62  // Link the airline feature object with the top of the BOM tree
63  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioBomRoot, lAirlineFeature);
64  }
65  assert (lInventory_ptr != NULL);
67  // Build the flight-date within the inventory.
68  buildFlightDate (*lInventory_ptr, iFlightDateStruct);
69  }
71  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
72  void InventoryBuilder::
73  buildFlightDate (stdair::Inventory& ioInventory,
74  const FlightDateStruct& iFlightDateStruct) {
75  // Create the FlightDateKey
76  const stdair::FlightDateKey lFlightDateKey (iFlightDateStruct._flightNumber,
77  iFlightDateStruct._flightDate);
79  // Check that the flight-date object is not already existing. If a
80  // flight-date object with the same key has already been created,
81  // then just update it, ifnot, create a flight-date and update it.
82  stdair::FlightDate* lFlightDate_ptr = stdair::BomManager::
83  getObjectPtr<stdair::FlightDate> (ioInventory, lFlightDateKey.toString());
84  if (lFlightDate_ptr == NULL) {
85  // Instantiate a flighy-date object for the given key (flight number and
86  // flight date)
87  lFlightDate_ptr =
88  &stdair::FacBom<stdair::FlightDate>::instance().create (lFlightDateKey);
89  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioInventory, *lFlightDate_ptr);
90  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (ioInventory, *lFlightDate_ptr);
91  }
92  assert (lFlightDate_ptr != NULL);
94  // Update the BOM flight-date with the attributes of the flight-date struct.
96  // Browse the list of leg-date struct and segment-date struct and
97  // create the corresponding BOM.
98  for (LegStructList_T::const_iterator itLegDate =
99  iFlightDateStruct._legList.begin();
100  itLegDate != iFlightDateStruct._legList.end(); ++itLegDate) {
101  const LegStruct& lCurrentLegDateStruct = *itLegDate;
102  buildLegDate (*lFlightDate_ptr, lCurrentLegDateStruct);
103  }
105  for (SegmentStructList_T::const_iterator itSegmentDate =
106  iFlightDateStruct._segmentList.begin();
107  itSegmentDate != iFlightDateStruct._segmentList.end();
108  ++itSegmentDate) {
109  const SegmentStruct& lCurrentSegmentDateStruct = *itSegmentDate;
110  buildSegmentDate (*lFlightDate_ptr, lCurrentSegmentDateStruct);
111  }
113  buildRoutingLegKey (*lFlightDate_ptr);
114  }
116  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117  void InventoryBuilder::
118  buildLegDate (stdair::FlightDate& ioFlightDate,
119  const LegStruct& iLegDateStruct) {
120  // Check that the leg-date object is not already existing. If a
121  // leg-date object with the same key has already been created,
122  // then just update it, ifnot, create a leg-date and update it.
123  stdair::LegDate* lLegDate_ptr = stdair::BomManager::
124  getObjectPtr<stdair::LegDate>(ioFlightDate, iLegDateStruct._boardingPoint);
126  if (lLegDate_ptr == NULL) {
127  // Instantiate a leg-date object for the given key (boarding point);
128  stdair::LegDateKey lKey (iLegDateStruct._boardingPoint);
129  lLegDate_ptr = &stdair::FacBom<stdair::LegDate>::instance().create (lKey);
130  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioFlightDate, *lLegDate_ptr);
131  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (ioFlightDate, *lLegDate_ptr);
132  }
133  assert (lLegDate_ptr != NULL);
135  // Update the BOM leg-date with the attributes of the leg-date struct.
136  iLegDateStruct.fill (*lLegDate_ptr);
138  // Browse the list of leg-cabin structs and create the corresponding BOM.
139  for (LegCabinStructList_T::const_iterator itLegCabin =
140  iLegDateStruct._cabinList.begin();
141  itLegCabin != iLegDateStruct._cabinList.end(); ++itLegCabin) {
142  const LegCabinStruct& lCurrentLegCabinStruct = *itLegCabin;
143  buildLegCabin (*lLegDate_ptr, lCurrentLegCabinStruct);
144  }
145  }
147  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
148  void InventoryBuilder::
149  buildRoutingLegKey (stdair::FlightDate& ioFlightDate) {
151  // Browse the list of segment-dates and create direct accesses
152  // within each segment-date.
153  const stdair::SegmentDateList_T& lSegmentDateList =
154  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::SegmentDate> (ioFlightDate);
155  for (stdair::SegmentDateList_T::const_iterator itSegmentDate =
156  lSegmentDateList.begin();
157  itSegmentDate != lSegmentDateList.end(); ++itSegmentDate) {
159  stdair::SegmentDate* lCurrentSegmentDate_ptr = *itSegmentDate;
160  assert (lCurrentSegmentDate_ptr != NULL);
162  /*
163  * If the segment is just marketed by this carrier,
164  * retrieve the operating segment and call the createDirectAcces
165  * method on its parent (flight date).
166  */
167  const stdair::SegmentDate* lOperatingSegmentDate_ptr =
168  lCurrentSegmentDate_ptr->getOperatingSegmentDate ();
169  if (lOperatingSegmentDate_ptr == NULL) {
171  const stdair::AirportCode_T& lBoardingPoint =
172  lCurrentSegmentDate_ptr->getBoardingPoint();
174  stdair::AirportCode_T currentBoardingPoint = lBoardingPoint;
175  const stdair::AirportCode_T& lOffPoint =
176  lCurrentSegmentDate_ptr->getOffPoint();
178  // Add a sanity check so as to ensure that the loop stops. If
179  // there are more than MAXIMAL_NUMBER_OF_LEGS legs, there is
180  // an issue somewhere in the code (not in the parser, as the
181  // segments are derived from the legs thanks to the
182  // FlightPeriodStruct::buildSegments() method).
183  unsigned short i = 1;
184  while (currentBoardingPoint != lOffPoint
185  && i <= stdair::MAXIMAL_NUMBER_OF_LEGS_IN_FLIGHT) {
186  // Retrieve the (unique) LegDate getting that Boarding Point
187  stdair::LegDate& lLegDate = stdair::BomManager::
188  getObject<stdair::LegDate> (ioFlightDate, currentBoardingPoint);
190  // Link the SegmentDate and LegDate together
191  const std::string& lRoutingKeyStr = lLegDate.describeRoutingKey();
192  lCurrentSegmentDate_ptr->addLegKey(lRoutingKeyStr);
194  // Prepare the next iteration
195  currentBoardingPoint = lLegDate.getOffPoint();
196  ++i;
197  }
198  assert (i <= stdair::MAXIMAL_NUMBER_OF_LEGS_IN_FLIGHT);
199  }
200  }
201  }
203  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
204  void InventoryBuilder::
205  buildLegCabin (stdair::LegDate& ioLegDate,
206  const LegCabinStruct& iLegCabinStruct) {
207  // Check that the leg-cabin object is not already existing. If a
208  // leg-cabin object with the same key has already been created,
209  // then just update it, ifnot, create a leg-cabin and update it.
210  stdair::LegCabin* lLegCabin_ptr = stdair::BomManager::
211  getObjectPtr<stdair::LegCabin> (ioLegDate, iLegCabinStruct._cabinCode);
212  if (lLegCabin_ptr == NULL) {
213  // Instantiate a leg-cabin object for the given key (cabin code);
214  stdair::LegCabinKey lKey (iLegCabinStruct._cabinCode);
215  lLegCabin_ptr = &stdair::FacBom<stdair::LegCabin>::instance().create(lKey);
216  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioLegDate, *lLegCabin_ptr);
217  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (ioLegDate, *lLegCabin_ptr);
218  }
219  assert (lLegCabin_ptr != NULL);
221  // TODO: Update the BOM leg-cabin with the attributes of the
222  // leg-cabin struct.
223  iLegCabinStruct.fill (*lLegCabin_ptr);
225  // Browse the list of bucket structs and create the corresponding BOM.
226  for (BucketStructList_T::const_iterator itBucket =
227  iLegCabinStruct._bucketList.begin();
228  itBucket != iLegCabinStruct._bucketList.end(); ++itBucket) {
229  const BucketStruct& lCurrentBucketStruct = *itBucket;
230  buildBucket (*lLegCabin_ptr, lCurrentBucketStruct);
231  }
232  }
234  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
235  void InventoryBuilder::buildBucket (stdair::LegCabin& ioLegCabin,
236  const BucketStruct& iBucketStruct) {
237  // Create the BucketKey
238  const stdair::BucketKey lBucketKey (iBucketStruct._seatIndex);
240  // Check that the bucket object is not already existing. If a
241  // bucket object with the same key has already been created,
242  // then just update it, ifnot, create a bucket and update it.
243  stdair::Bucket* lBucket_ptr = stdair::BomManager::
244  getObjectPtr<stdair::Bucket> (ioLegCabin, lBucketKey.toString());
245  if (lBucket_ptr == NULL) {
246  // Instantiate a bucket object for the given key (seat index);
247  stdair::BucketKey lKey (iBucketStruct._seatIndex);
248  lBucket_ptr = &stdair::FacBom<stdair::Bucket>::instance().create (lKey);
249  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioLegCabin, *lBucket_ptr);
250  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (ioLegCabin, *lBucket_ptr);
251  }
252  assert (lBucket_ptr != NULL);
254  //
255  iBucketStruct.fill (*lBucket_ptr);
256  }
258  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
259  void InventoryBuilder::
260  buildSegmentDate (stdair::FlightDate& ioFlightDate,
261  const SegmentStruct& iSegmentDateStruct) {
262  // Check that the segment-date object is not already existing. If a
263  // segment-date object with the same key has already been created,
264  // then just update it, ifnot, create a segment-date and update it.
265  const stdair::SegmentDateKey
266  lSegmentDateKey (iSegmentDateStruct._boardingPoint,
267  iSegmentDateStruct._offPoint);
268  stdair::SegmentDate* lSegmentDate_ptr = stdair::BomManager::
269  getObjectPtr<stdair::SegmentDate>(ioFlightDate,lSegmentDateKey.toString());
270  if (lSegmentDate_ptr == NULL) {
271  // Instantiate a segment-date object for the given key (boarding
272  // and off points);
273  lSegmentDate_ptr = &stdair::FacBom<stdair::SegmentDate>::
274  instance().create (lSegmentDateKey);
275  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioFlightDate, *lSegmentDate_ptr);
276  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (ioFlightDate, *lSegmentDate_ptr);
277  }
278  assert (lSegmentDate_ptr != NULL);
280  // Update the BOM segment-date with the attributes of the
281  // segment-date struct.
282  iSegmentDateStruct.fill (*lSegmentDate_ptr);
284  // Browse the list of segment-cabin struct and create the corresponding BOM.
285  for (SegmentCabinStructList_T::const_iterator itSegmentCabin =
286  iSegmentDateStruct._cabinList.begin();
287  itSegmentCabin != iSegmentDateStruct._cabinList.end();
288  ++itSegmentCabin) {
289  const SegmentCabinStruct& lCurrentSegmentCabinStruct = *itSegmentCabin;
290  buildSegmentCabin (*lSegmentDate_ptr, lCurrentSegmentCabinStruct);
291  }
292  }
294  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
295  void InventoryBuilder::
296  buildSegmentCabin (stdair::SegmentDate& ioSegmentDate,
297  const SegmentCabinStruct& iSegmentCabinStruct) {
298  // Check that the segment-cabin object is not already existing. If a
299  // segment-cabin object with the same key has already been created,
300  // then just update it, ifnot, create a segment-cabin and update it.
301  stdair::SegmentCabin* lSegmentCabin_ptr = stdair::BomManager::
302  getObjectPtr<stdair::SegmentCabin> (ioSegmentDate,
303  iSegmentCabinStruct._cabinCode);
304  if (lSegmentCabin_ptr == NULL) {
305  // Instantiate a segment-cabin object for the given key (cabin code);
306  stdair::SegmentCabinKey lKey (iSegmentCabinStruct._cabinCode);
307  lSegmentCabin_ptr =
308  &stdair::FacBom<stdair::SegmentCabin>::instance().create (lKey);
310  // Link the segment-cabin to the segment-date
311  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioSegmentDate, *lSegmentCabin_ptr);
312  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (ioSegmentDate, *lSegmentCabin_ptr);
313  }
314  assert (lSegmentCabin_ptr != NULL);
316  // TODO: Update the BOM segment-cabin with the attributes of the
317  // segment-cabin struct.
318  iSegmentCabinStruct.fill (*lSegmentCabin_ptr);
320  // Browse the list of fare family struct and create the corresponding BOM.
321  for (FareFamilyStructList_T::const_iterator itFareFamily =
322  iSegmentCabinStruct._fareFamilies.begin();
323  itFareFamily != iSegmentCabinStruct._fareFamilies.end();
324  ++itFareFamily) {
325  const FareFamilyStruct& lCurrentFareFamilyStruct = *itFareFamily;
326  buildFareFamily (*lSegmentCabin_ptr, lCurrentFareFamilyStruct);
327  }
328  }
330  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
331  void InventoryBuilder::
332  buildFareFamily (stdair::SegmentCabin& ioSegmentCabin,
333  const FareFamilyStruct& iFareFamilyStruct) {
335  // Check that the fare family object is not already existing. If a
336  // fare family object with the same key has already been created,
337  // then just update it. If not, create a fare family and update it.
338  stdair::FareFamily* lFareFamily_ptr = stdair::BomManager::
339  getObjectPtr<stdair::FareFamily> (ioSegmentCabin,
340  iFareFamilyStruct._familyCode);
341  if (lFareFamily_ptr == NULL) {
342  // Instantiate a fare family object for the given key (fare family code);
343  const stdair::FareFamilyKey lFFKey (iFareFamilyStruct._familyCode);
344  lFareFamily_ptr =
345  &stdair::FacBom<stdair::FareFamily>::instance().create (lFFKey);
347  // Link the fare family to the segment-cabin
348  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioSegmentCabin, *lFareFamily_ptr);
349  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (ioSegmentCabin, *lFareFamily_ptr);
350  }
351  assert (lFareFamily_ptr != NULL);
353  // TODO: Upcabin the BOM fare family with the attributes of the
354  // fare family struct.
355  iFareFamilyStruct.fill (*lFareFamily_ptr);
357  // Browse the list of booking-class struct and create the corresponding BOM.
358  for (BookingClassStructList_T::const_iterator itBookingClass =
359  iFareFamilyStruct._classList.begin();
360  itBookingClass != iFareFamilyStruct._classList.end();
361  ++itBookingClass) {
362  const BookingClassStruct& lCurrentBookingClassStruct = *itBookingClass;
363  buildBookingClass (*lFareFamily_ptr, lCurrentBookingClassStruct);
364  }
365  }
367  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
368  void InventoryBuilder::
369  buildBookingClass (stdair::FareFamily& ioFareFamily,
370  const BookingClassStruct& iBookingClassStruct) {
372  // Check that the booking class object is not already existing. If a
373  // booking-class object with the same key has already been created,
374  // then just update it. If not, create a booking-class and update it.
375  stdair::BookingClass* lBookingClass_ptr = stdair::BomManager::
376  getObjectPtr<stdair::BookingClass> (ioFareFamily,
377  iBookingClassStruct._classCode);
378  if (lBookingClass_ptr == NULL) {
379  // Instantiate a booking class object for the given key (class code);
380  const stdair::BookingClassKey lClassKey (iBookingClassStruct._classCode);
381  lBookingClass_ptr =
382  &stdair::FacBom<stdair::BookingClass>::instance().create (lClassKey);
384  // Link the booking-class to the fare family
385  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioFareFamily, *lBookingClass_ptr);
386  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (ioFareFamily, *lBookingClass_ptr);
388  // Link the booking-class to the segment-cabin
389  stdair::SegmentCabin& lSegmentCabin =
390  stdair::BomManager::getParent<stdair::SegmentCabin> (ioFareFamily);
391  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (lSegmentCabin, *lBookingClass_ptr);
393  // Link the booking-class to the segment-date
394  stdair::SegmentDate& lSegmentDate =
395  stdair::BomManager::getParent<stdair::SegmentDate> (lSegmentCabin);
396  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (lSegmentDate, *lBookingClass_ptr);
397  }
398  assert (lBookingClass_ptr != NULL);
400  // TODO: Upcabin the BOM booking-class with the attributes of the
401  // booking-class struct.
402  iBookingClassStruct.fill (*lBookingClass_ptr);
403  }
405  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
406  void InventoryBuilder::buildPartnerInventories (stdair::BomRoot& ioBomRoot) {
408  // Browse the list of inventories to build partner inventories
409  // within each inventory.
410  const stdair::InventoryList_T& lInvList =
411  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::Inventory> (ioBomRoot);
412  for (stdair::InventoryList_T::const_iterator itInv = lInvList.begin();
413  itInv != lInvList.end(); ++itInv) {
414  stdair::Inventory* lCurrentInv_ptr = *itInv;
415  assert (lCurrentInv_ptr != NULL);
417  buildPartnerInventories (ioBomRoot, *lCurrentInv_ptr);
418  }
419  }
421  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
422  void InventoryBuilder::buildPartnerInventories (stdair::BomRoot& ioBomRoot,
423  stdair::Inventory& ioInventory) {
425  // Browse the list of flight-dates to build partner inventories.
426  const stdair::FlightDateList_T& lFlightDateList =
427  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::FlightDate> (ioInventory);
428  for (stdair::FlightDateList_T::const_iterator itFlightDate =
429  lFlightDateList.begin();
430  itFlightDate != lFlightDateList.end(); ++itFlightDate) {
431  stdair::FlightDate* lCurrentFlightDate_ptr = *itFlightDate;
432  assert (lCurrentFlightDate_ptr != NULL);
434  buildPartnerInventories (ioBomRoot, ioInventory, *lCurrentFlightDate_ptr);
435  }
437  }
439  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
440  void InventoryBuilder::buildPartnerInventories (stdair::BomRoot& ioBomRoot,
441  stdair::Inventory& ioInventory,
442  stdair::FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
444  // Browse the list of flight-dates to build partner inventories.
445  const stdair::SegmentDateList_T& lSegmentDateList =
446  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::SegmentDate> (iFlightDate);
447  for (stdair::SegmentDateList_T::const_iterator itSegmentDate =
448  lSegmentDateList.begin();
449  itSegmentDate != lSegmentDateList.end(); ++itSegmentDate) {
451  stdair::SegmentDate* lCurrentSegmentDate_ptr = *itSegmentDate;
452  assert (lCurrentSegmentDate_ptr != NULL);
454  const stdair::RoutingLegKeyList_T& lRoutingLegKeyList =
455  lCurrentSegmentDate_ptr->getLegKeyList ();
457  // Browse the list of routing leg keys.
458  for (stdair::RoutingLegKeyList_T::const_iterator itRoutingLegKey =
459  lRoutingLegKeyList.begin();
460  itRoutingLegKey != lRoutingLegKeyList.end(); ++itRoutingLegKey) {
462  // Extract the operating airline code
463  const stdair::ParsedKey& lParsedKey =
464  stdair::BomKeyManager::extractKeys (*itRoutingLegKey);
465  const stdair::InventoryKey& lInventoryKey =
466  lParsedKey.getInventoryKey();
467  const stdair::AirlineCode_T lOperatingAirlineCode =
468  lInventoryKey.getAirlineCode();
470  // Extract the current airline code
471  const stdair::AirlineCode_T lAirlineCode =
472  iFlightDate.getAirlineCode();
474  // If the operating airline is not the current one
475  if (lOperatingAirlineCode != lAirlineCode) {
477  // Look for the inventory of the partner within the Bom root
478  stdair::Inventory* lInventory_ptr =
479  stdair::BomRetriever::
480  retrieveInventoryFromKey (ioBomRoot, lOperatingAirlineCode);
482  // Build the current segment full key
483  std::ostringstream lRoutingSegment;
484  lRoutingSegment << iFlightDate.getAirlineCode() << ";"
485  << iFlightDate.describeKey() << ";"
486  << lCurrentSegmentDate_ptr->getBoardingPoint() << ";"
487  << lCurrentSegmentDate_ptr->getOffPoint();
489  // If such inventory does not exist, throw an exception
490  if (lInventory_ptr == NULL) {
491  std::ostringstream oMessage;
492  oMessage << "The input file does not contain information about "
493  << "the '" << *itRoutingLegKey << "' leg date needed by "
494  << "the '" << lRoutingSegment.str() << "' segment.";
495  STDAIR_LOG_ERROR (oMessage.str());
496  throw MissingPartnerFlightDateWithinScheduleFile (oMessage.str());
497  }
498  assert (lInventory_ptr != NULL);
500  // Build the partner inventory within the current inventory
501  buildInventory (ioBomRoot, ioInventory, *itRoutingLegKey);
503  // Build the current inventory as a partner of the partner inventory
504  buildInventory (ioBomRoot, *lInventory_ptr, lRoutingSegment.str());
505  }
506  }
507  }
508  }
510  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
511  void InventoryBuilder::
512  buildInventory (stdair::BomRoot& ioBomRoot,
513  stdair::Inventory& ioInventory,
514  const std::string& iFullKeyStr) {
516  // Check that the inventory object is not already existing. If an
517  // inventory object with the same key has already been created,
518  // then just update it, ifnot, create an inventory and update it.
519  // for the given key (iFullKeyStr)
520  stdair::Inventory* lInventory_ptr =
521  stdair::BomRetriever::retrieveInventoryFromLongKey (ioInventory,
522  iFullKeyStr);
523  if (lInventory_ptr == NULL) {
524  // Instantiate a flighy-date object for the given key (airline code
525  // within the iFullKeyStr)
526  stdair::Inventory* lOperatingInventory_ptr =
527  stdair::BomRetriever::retrieveInventoryFromLongKey (ioBomRoot,
528  iFullKeyStr);
529  assert (lOperatingInventory_ptr != NULL);
530  lInventory_ptr =
531  &stdair::FacBom<stdair::Inventory>::instance().create (*lOperatingInventory_ptr);
532  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioInventory, *lInventory_ptr);
533  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (ioInventory, *lInventory_ptr);
534  }
535  assert (lInventory_ptr != NULL);
537  // Build the flight-date within the inventory.
538  buildFlightDate (ioBomRoot, *lInventory_ptr, iFullKeyStr);
539  }
541  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
542  void InventoryBuilder::
543  buildFlightDate (stdair::BomRoot& ioBomRoot,
544  stdair::Inventory& ioInventory,
545  const std::string& iFullKeyStr) {
547  // Check that the flight-date object is not already existing. If a
548  // flight-date object with the same key has already been created,
549  // then just update it, ifnot, create a flight-date and update it.
550  stdair::FlightDate* lFlightDate_ptr =
551  stdair::BomRetriever::retrieveFlightDateFromLongKey (ioInventory,
552  iFullKeyStr);
553  if (lFlightDate_ptr == NULL) {
554  // Instantiate a flighy-date object for the given key (flight number and
555  // flight date within the iFullKeyStr)
556  stdair::FlightDate* lOperatingFlightDate_ptr =
557  stdair::BomRetriever::retrieveFlightDateFromLongKey (ioBomRoot,
558  iFullKeyStr);
559  assert (lOperatingFlightDate_ptr != NULL);
560  stdair::FlightDate& lFlightDate =
561  cloneFlightDate (*lOperatingFlightDate_ptr);
562  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (ioInventory, lFlightDate);
563  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (ioInventory, lFlightDate);
564  }
565  }
567  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
568  stdair::FlightDate& InventoryBuilder::
569  cloneFlightDate (const stdair::FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
574  stdair::FlightDate& lCloneFlightDate =
575  stdair::FacBom<stdair::FlightDate>::instance().create (iFlightDate);
577  // Check whether there are LegDate objects
578  const bool hasLegDateList = stdair::BomManager::hasList<stdair::LegDate> (iFlightDate);
579  if (hasLegDateList == true) {
581  // Browse the leg-dates
582  const stdair::LegDateList_T& lLegDateList =
583  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::LegDate> (iFlightDate);
584  for (stdair::LegDateList_T::const_iterator itLD = lLegDateList.begin();
585  itLD != lLegDateList.end(); ++itLD) {
586  const stdair::LegDate* lLD_ptr = *itLD;
587  assert (lLD_ptr != NULL);
589  // Clone the current leg-date
590  stdair::LegDate& lCloneLegDate = cloneLegDate (*lLD_ptr);
591  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (lCloneFlightDate, lCloneLegDate);
592  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (lCloneFlightDate, lCloneLegDate);
593  }
594  }
596  // Check whether there are SegmentDate objects
597  const bool hasSegmentDateList =
598  stdair::BomManager::hasList<stdair::SegmentDate> (iFlightDate);
599  if (hasSegmentDateList == true) {
601  // Browse the segment-dates
602  const stdair::SegmentDateList_T& lSegmentDateList =
603  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::SegmentDate> (iFlightDate);
604  for (stdair::SegmentDateList_T::const_iterator itSD = lSegmentDateList.begin();
605  itSD != lSegmentDateList.end(); ++itSD) {
606  const stdair::SegmentDate* lSD_ptr = *itSD;
607  assert (lSD_ptr != NULL);
609  // Clone the current segment-date
610  stdair::SegmentDate& lCloneSegmentDate = cloneSegmentDate (*lSD_ptr);
611  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (lCloneFlightDate, lCloneSegmentDate);
612  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (lCloneFlightDate, lCloneSegmentDate);
614  }
615  }
617  return lCloneFlightDate;
618  }
620  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
621  stdair::LegDate& InventoryBuilder::cloneLegDate (const stdair::LegDate& iLegDate) {
626  stdair::LegDate& lCloneLegDate =
627  stdair::FacBom<stdair::LegDate>::instance().create (iLegDate);
629  // Check whether there are LegCabin objects
630  const bool hasLegCabinList = stdair::BomManager::hasList<stdair::LegCabin> (iLegDate);
631  if (hasLegCabinList == true) {
632  // Browse the leg-cabins
633  const stdair::LegCabinList_T& lLegCabinList =
634  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::LegCabin> (iLegDate);
635  for (stdair::LegCabinList_T::const_iterator itLC = lLegCabinList.begin();
636  itLC != lLegCabinList.end(); ++itLC) {
637  const stdair::LegCabin* lLC_ptr = *itLC;
638  assert (lLC_ptr != NULL);
640  // Clone the current leg-cabin
641  stdair::LegCabin& lCloneLegCabin = cloneLegCabin (*lLC_ptr);
642  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (lCloneLegDate, lCloneLegCabin);
643  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (lCloneLegDate, lCloneLegCabin);
644  }
645  }
647  return lCloneLegDate;
648  }
650  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
651  stdair::LegCabin& InventoryBuilder::cloneLegCabin (const stdair::LegCabin& iLegCabin) {
656  stdair::LegCabin& lCloneLegCabin =
657  stdair::FacBom<stdair::LegCabin>::instance().create (iLegCabin);
659  // Check whether there are Bucket objects
660  const bool hasBucketList = stdair::BomManager::hasList<stdair::Bucket> (iLegCabin);
661  if (hasBucketList == true) {
662  // Browse the buckets
663  const stdair::BucketList_T& lBucketList =
664  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::Bucket> (iLegCabin);
665  for (stdair::BucketList_T::const_iterator itBucket = lBucketList.begin();
666  itBucket != lBucketList.end(); ++itBucket) {
667  const stdair::Bucket* lBucket_ptr = *itBucket;
668  assert (lBucket_ptr != NULL);
670  // Clone the current bucket
671  stdair::Bucket& lCloneBucket = cloneBucket (*lBucket_ptr);
672  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (lCloneLegCabin, lCloneBucket);
673  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (lCloneLegCabin, lCloneBucket);
674  }
675  }
677  return lCloneLegCabin;
678  }
680  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
681  stdair::Bucket& InventoryBuilder::cloneBucket (const stdair::Bucket& iBucket) {
686  stdair::Bucket& lCloneBucket =
687  stdair::FacBom<stdair::Bucket>::instance().create (iBucket);
689  return lCloneBucket;
690  }
692  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
693  stdair::SegmentDate& InventoryBuilder::
694  cloneSegmentDate (const stdair::SegmentDate& iSegmentDate) {
699  stdair::SegmentDate& lCloneSegmentDate =
700  stdair::FacBom<stdair::SegmentDate>::instance().create (iSegmentDate);
702  // Check whether there are SegmentCabin objects
703  const bool hasSegmentCabinList =
704  stdair::BomManager::hasList<stdair::SegmentCabin> (iSegmentDate);
705  if (hasSegmentCabinList == true) {
706  // Browse the segment-cabins
707  const stdair::SegmentCabinList_T& lSegmentCabinList =
708  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::SegmentCabin> (iSegmentDate);
709  for (stdair::SegmentCabinList_T::const_iterator itSC = lSegmentCabinList.begin();
710  itSC != lSegmentCabinList.end(); ++itSC) {
711  const stdair::SegmentCabin* lSC_ptr = *itSC;
712  assert (lSC_ptr != NULL);
714  // Clone the current segment-cabin
715  stdair::SegmentCabin& lCloneSegmentCabin = cloneSegmentCabin (*lSC_ptr);
716  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (lCloneSegmentDate, lCloneSegmentCabin);
717  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (lCloneSegmentDate, lCloneSegmentCabin);
719  linkBookingClassesWithSegment (lCloneSegmentDate,
720  lCloneSegmentCabin);
722  }
723  }
724  return lCloneSegmentDate;
725  }
727  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
728  void InventoryBuilder::
729  linkBookingClassesWithSegment (stdair::SegmentDate& iCloneSegmentDate,
730  stdair::SegmentCabin& iCloneSegmentCabin) {
732  // Browse the fare families to link the booking-classes to the
733  // segment-cabin and to the segment-date
734  const bool hasFareFamilyList =
735  stdair::BomManager::hasList<stdair::FareFamily> (iCloneSegmentCabin);
736  if (hasFareFamilyList == true) {
737  const stdair::FareFamilyList_T& lCloneFFList =
738  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::FareFamily> (iCloneSegmentCabin);
739  for (stdair::FareFamilyList_T::const_iterator itCloneFF = lCloneFFList.begin();
740  itCloneFF != lCloneFFList.end(); ++itCloneFF) {
741  const stdair::FareFamily* lCloneFF_ptr = *itCloneFF;
742  assert (lCloneFF_ptr != NULL);
744  // Browse the list of booking classes
745  const bool hasBookingClasslist =
746  stdair::BomManager::hasList<stdair::BookingClass> (*lCloneFF_ptr);
747  if (hasBookingClasslist == true) {
748  const stdair::BookingClassList_T& lCloneBCList =
749  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::BookingClass> (*lCloneFF_ptr);
750  for (stdair::BookingClassList_T::const_iterator itCloneBC =
751  lCloneBCList.begin();
752  itCloneBC != lCloneBCList.end(); ++itCloneBC) {
753  const stdair::BookingClass* lCloneBC_ptr = *itCloneBC;
754  assert (lCloneBC_ptr != NULL);
756  // Link the booking-class to the segment-cabin
757  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (iCloneSegmentCabin,
758  *lCloneBC_ptr);
760  // Link the booking-class to the segment-date
761  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (iCloneSegmentDate,
762  *lCloneBC_ptr);
763  }
764  }
765  }
766  }
767  }
769  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
770  stdair::SegmentCabin& InventoryBuilder::
771  cloneSegmentCabin (const stdair::SegmentCabin& iSegmentCabin) {
776  stdair::SegmentCabin& lCloneSegmentCabin =
777  stdair::FacBom<stdair::SegmentCabin>::instance().create (iSegmentCabin);
779  // Check whether there are fare family objects
780  const bool hasFareFamilyList =
781  stdair::BomManager::hasList<stdair::FareFamily> (iSegmentCabin);
782  if (hasFareFamilyList == true) {
783  // Browse the fare families
784  const stdair::FareFamilyList_T& lFareFamilyList =
785  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::FareFamily> (iSegmentCabin);
786  for (stdair::FareFamilyList_T::const_iterator itFF = lFareFamilyList.begin();
787  itFF != lFareFamilyList.end(); ++itFF) {
788  const stdair::FareFamily* lFF_ptr = *itFF;
789  assert (lFF_ptr != NULL);
791  // Clone the current fare-family
792  stdair::FareFamily& lCloneFareFamily = cloneFareFamily (*lFF_ptr);
793  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (lCloneSegmentCabin, lCloneFareFamily);
794  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (lCloneSegmentCabin, lCloneFareFamily);
795  }
796  }
798  return lCloneSegmentCabin;
799  }
801  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
802  stdair::FareFamily& InventoryBuilder::
803  cloneFareFamily (const stdair::FareFamily& iFareFamily) {
807  stdair::FareFamily& lCloneFareFamily =
808  stdair::FacBom<stdair::FareFamily>::instance().create (iFareFamily);
810  // Check whether there are booking classes objects
811  const bool hasBookingClassList =
812  stdair::BomManager::hasList<stdair::BookingClass> (iFareFamily);
813  if (hasBookingClassList == true) {
814  // Browse the list of booking classes
815  const stdair::BookingClassList_T& lBookingClassList =
816  stdair::BomManager::getList<stdair::BookingClass> (iFareFamily);
817  for (stdair::BookingClassList_T::const_iterator itBookingClass =
818  lBookingClassList.begin();
819  itBookingClass != lBookingClassList.end(); ++itBookingClass) {
820  const stdair::BookingClass* lBC_ptr = *itBookingClass;
821  assert (lBC_ptr != NULL);
823  // Clone the current booking class
824  stdair::BookingClass& lCloneBookingClass = cloneBookingClass (*lBC_ptr);
825  stdair::FacBomManager::addToListAndMap (lCloneFareFamily, lCloneBookingClass);
826  stdair::FacBomManager::linkWithParent (lCloneFareFamily, lCloneBookingClass);
827  }
828  }
830  return lCloneFareFamily;
831  }
833  // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
834  stdair::BookingClass& InventoryBuilder::
835  cloneBookingClass (const stdair::BookingClass& iBookingClass) {
840  stdair::BookingClass& lCloneBookingClass =
841  stdair::FacBom<stdair::BookingClass>::instance().create (iBookingClass);
843  return lCloneBookingClass;
844  }
845 }